PeO's Weatherpage

PeO's Weatherpage

Latest update: February 10 2025

Fjällnora, Uppsala, Sweden Februari 10 2025

Latest observations from Uppsala (Geocentrum)

Latest forecast Uppsala (ENS Meteogram ECMWF)

Latest forecast Uppsala (AI ENS Meteogram ECMWF)

        Weather statistics for Uppsala and other places in Sweden 

        Statistics for Uppsala from World Climate Data

        Severe storms in Sweden during the 20th century (in Swedish)
        Severe storms in Sweden during the 20th century (graphs)

Record values for Stockholm
        Normal values for Stockholm
        Stockholm temperature and precipitation during different seasons from 1900
        Stockholm monthly temperature since 1756
        Stockholm 5-day temperature 1900-2006

        Uppsala temperature and precipitation plots from 1722-2022
Uppsala annual and sesonal monthly average temperature from 1722-2022

        Snow statistics

        First snow for season in Uppsala and St Sundby
        Snow statistics for Uppsala and St Sundby
        Snow statistics for Stockholm


        Pictures from Sweden 2006 
        Pictures from Sweden summer 2005 
        Winter pictures from Uppsala November 19 2004
        Pictures from my balloontrip over Stockholm

        Cloud pictures from cloudappreciationsociety

        Weather warnings

        Meteoalarm Europe

        Weather warnings Sweden
        Weather warnings Denmark


        Satellite pictures  

        Latest Meteosat Loop Europe(SAT24)
        Latest Meteosat Loop Scandinavia (SAT24)

        Meteosat och NOAA (SMHI)

        NOAA Satellite Service Division
        Satellite pictures and others from all met sat


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        Weather Radars 

        Sweden and Scandinavia (SMHI)
        Sweden (Baltrad)
        Europe (

        Scandinavia (
        Norway and Scandinavia (Met.No)
        Denmark and southern Sweden (DMI)
        Finland (3-hour sequence) (FMI)
        Western Europe (Meteox)
        Germany (Wetterspiegel)
        Great Britain (Weatheronline)
        Holland and Belgium

        Aviation radar

        Lightning detection 

        Lightning over Europe in real time (Blitzortung)
        Lightning Maps Global
        Lightning over Europe in real time (EUCLID)
        Lightning southern Scandinavia (DMI)

        Convective/TS forecast Europe (ESTOFEX)

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        Radio Sonde Profiles

        Radio Sondes over Europe (University of Wyoming)) 

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      Forecasts and analysis for Europe 


        Surface analysis Europe (

        American GFS (Global Forecast System)

        All available fields from Topkarten

        10-day temp forecast (summary)
        10-day precipitation forecast (summary)

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        GFS analysis and different  forecast fields for Europe from NCEP     

        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines analysis (D0)
        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +24 h (D1)
        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +48 h (D2)
        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +72 h (D3)
        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +96 h (D4)

        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +120 h (D5)
        500hPa Gph+vorticity, 700hPa vv+prec, 850hPa-temp+hum+wind, 200hPa streamlines +144 h (D6)

        All times and all fields

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        Charts (ECMWF)
        AI forecast (ECMWF)
        Tropical cyclone and Hurricanes
        ECMWF Kachelmannwetter
        Tropical Tidbits

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        Regional Models

        Warsaw model Poland and Scandinavia (UM/COAMPS/WAM)
        UM 4KM (all small maps)

        UM New weather maps

        ALADIN Cracow

        Other forecasts
        PMU portal

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        Ensemble forecasts 

        GFS Ensemble 850hPa-temp 16 days for Stockholm
        GFS Ensemble 2m-temp 16 days for Stockholm

        ENS Meteogram ECMWF for Uppsala

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        Long Range forecasts

        IRI Seasonal Forecast 
        ECMWF extended and long forecasts
        ECMWF weather regimes probabilities

        AO index forecast (NOAA)

        NAO index forecast (NOAA)
        NAO index historical (NOAA)

        MJO forecast ECMWF
        MJO forecast NOAA
        MJO forecast BOM Australia

        Mean zonal wind at 10hPa extended range
        Arctic Oscillation and Polar Vortex Analysis Judah Cohen
        Mark Vogan Weather


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       Aviation Weather   

     Volcanic Ash forecasts Met Office    

        Aviation weather from Northavimet
        Aviation weather from LFV 
        Aviation weather and more from OGIMET
        Aviation weather and more from Pilotpointer
        Aviation weather and more from all met sat
        Aviation weather from Wetterklima (Germany)

        SIGMETs from SkyVector
        Cross sections from OGIMET

        METAR Sweden/Nordic (LFV)

        METAR Worldwide (Ogimet)

        METAR Statistics

        AWOS from several Swedish airports
        Information about Swedish airports        

        TAF Sweden/Nordic (LFV)

        TAF Worldwide (Ogimet)

        Nordic SWC

        Soaring forecast Sweden (RASP)
        Convective/TS forecast Europe (ESTOFEX)

        Aviation Weather Center (USA)
        Aviation Digital Data Service (USA)

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        Climate and Climate change   

        Climate 4 you
        Climate modeling, world temperature anomalies (Hadley Centre)
        Climate Prediction Center (NOAA)
        Global temperature analyses, modeling and greenhouse debate (NASA)
Climate Reanalyzer

        Sea Ice (NSIDC)
Sea Ice thickness Arctic (DMI data)
Greenland Ice, Polar portal (DMI)

Daily Arctic mean temperatures (DMI data)
        Daily Sea Surface temperature North America (CMC)
Daily Sea Surface temperature anomalies and snow cover (CMC)

        World Climate Data
        Weather & Climate (COLA)
        Extreme Temperatures in the world (coldest and hottest)

        Temperature Data For Sweden (SMHI)
        Monthly statistics for Sweden since 2002 (SMHI)
        Temperature record for Sweden

        Monthly temperature record for Sweden 
        Precipitation record for Sweden
        Wind record values for Sweden

        Record values for Stockholm
        Normal values for Stockholm

        Stockholm monthly temperature since 1756
        Stockholm temperature and precipitation during different seasons from 1900

        Climate trends

        Global temperatures from satellites
        Global temperatures from satellites and surface stations
        Arctic temperatures (Hadcrut4)
        Antarctic temperatures (Hadcrut4)
        Arctic and Antartic temperatures from satellites

Sea Ice Arctic and Antarctic (NSIDC data)
        Snow Cover Northern hemisphere since 1972 (Rutgers university data)

        Hurricane statistics and ACE Index since 1980 (Colorado State University)
        Atlantic Basin Accumulated Cyclone Energy since 1850
        US Hurricane landfalls
        US Annual Count of Strong or Violent Tornadoes since 1954(NOAA)
        US Annual Count of Violent Tornadoes (
        US Annual Count of violent tornadoes 1950-2020

        All India Summer Monsson Rainfall 1871-2014 (IITM)
        Epochal Patterns of All India Monsson Rainfall
UK rainfall in January since 1910 (MetOffice)
        UK rainfall in July since 1910 (MetOffice)

        Global sea level since 11800 BC
Global sea level since 1700
        Global sea level from satellites since 1992 (University of Colorado)
Sea level from different tide gauges (Climate 4 you)
        Sea level in Stockholm since 1774 (SMHI)

        Wildfires Globally (Copernicus)

        Number of deaths in natural disasters since 1900 (Our world in data)

        Different index

        NAO, AO, PNA, AAO (NOAA)
        AMO-index since 1850 (Climate 4 you)
PDO-index since 1900 (Climate 4 you)
        ONI-index (El Nino, La Nina) since 1950

        Recent weather

        Temperature anomaly for Sweden
        Precipitation anomaly for Sweden
        Precipitation and snowdata for Norway

        Weather archive

        Weather archive from Wetterklima
        Weather extremes (Ogimet)


        Weather statistics for Uppsala and other places in Sweden  

        Statistics for Uppsala from World Climate Data

        Severe storms in Sweden during the 20th century (in Swedish)
        Severe storms in Sweden during the 20th century (graphs)

Record values for Stockholm
        Normal values for Stockholm
        Stockholm temperature and precipitation during different seasons from 1900
        Stockholm monthly temperature since 1756
        Stockholm 5-day temperature 1900-2006
        Stockholm sun hours compared with other cities in Europe

        Uppsala temperature and precipitation plots from 1722-2018
        Uppsala annual and sesonal monthly average temperature from 1722-2018

        Snow statistics

        First snow for season in Uppsala and St Sundby
        Snow statistics for Uppsala and St Sundby
        Snow statistics for Stockholm


        Climate maps (1961-1990) over the whole world from Wetterzentrale

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        Weather Cams    

 Webcams in Sweden (
 Live Webcams in Sweden (Mediateknik)
         Map of webcams in Sweden (Wetterklima)
         Webcams in Scandinavia (webcamstravel)
         Map of webcams in Scandinavia and the world (
         PeO's webcams in Sweden
         Airport webcams in Sweden

         Map of webcams in Denmark (Wetterklima)
         Map of webcams in Norway (Wetterklima)
         Map of webcams in Finland (Wetterklima)
Airportwebcams in Europe  
         List of webcams in Europe

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          National Meteorological Services



        Universities and other institutes

        MISU Stockholm
        Max-Planck Institut Meteorologie, Hamburg

        World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) 

Weather companies

        Meteo Group

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        Meteorological Societes

        Svenska Meteorologiska Sällskapet (Sweden)
        Dansk Meteorologisk Selskab
        European Meteorological Society

        Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
        Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft (Germany)
        Societa Meteorologica Subalpina (Italy)

        American Meteorological Society    
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        Observations (temperature, wind, air pressure, humidity...) (SMHI)
        Daily extreme values in Sweden (SMHI)

        Current weather and road conditions in Sweden (Trafikverket)
        Latest observations from Uppsala (Geocentrum)
        Sea temperature Gotland summer only (GEAB)

        Groundwater levels (SGU)

        The world
        Observations from Wetterzentrale

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        Snow, ice and water

        Snow cover in Sweden (SMHI)
        Sea surface temperature and Ice cover in the Baltic Sea (SMHI)

        Water level Fyris river Uppsala

        Extreme values

        Daily extreme values in Sweden (SMHI)
        Daily extreme values of the World (coolwx)
        Daily (unofficial) temperature records of the World (coolwx)
        Search extreme values (OGIMET)

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        Other weather links  


        Georgs Wetterzentrale including Topkarten (Very good)
        BBC Weather
        Weather from DWD (Germany)
        Weather from DKRZ (Germany)

        Wetterklima (Germany)

        Mark Vogan Weather

        The world

        Tropical Tidbits
        Weather Underground
        YAHOO Weather all over the world
        Just Weather (Australia)

        Cloud pictures from cloudappreciationsociety


        Tropical weather from Weather Underground
        National Hurricane Center

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        Calmet (Computer Aided Learning in Meteorology)

        Meteorology Guide/Tutorial (University of Illinois)
        Bad meteorology (some common misconceptions)

        Become a storm spotter (good links for learning to observe the weather

        Space Weather and Other links

        Space Weather from IRF Lund University
        Latest solar images
        Earth Viewer
        Volcano Watch
        NOAA Satellite Service Division

        Altavista search engine

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First created:  October 14th 1995

Peo (