PeO's Weatherpage

Aviation Weather   
        METAR Sweden (LFV)
        METAR Nordic (LFV)
        METAR Europe (LFV)
        METAR last 24h

        TAF Sweden (LFV)
        TAF Nordic (LFV)
        TAF Europe (LFV)
        24h TAF Europe (LFV)  

        Nordic SWC
        VFR-chart SMHI
        VFR-forecast chart 06 UTC and 12 UTC next day (
        Soaring forecast Sweden (SMHI)
        SWC North Atlantic 00 UTC
        SWC North Atlantic 06 UTC
        SWC North Atlantic 12 UTC
        SWC North Atlantic 18 UTC  


Weather warnings Sweden


        Meteosat RGB last 24h (SMHI) 
        Meteosat IR last 24h (SMHI) 


        Sweden and Scandinavia (SMHI)
        Sweden and Scandinavia (TV 4 and SMHI)
        Sweden and Scandinavia (Aftonbladet and SMHI)

        Lightning location Europe



        10-day temp forecast  
        10-day precipitation forecast

        day by day

        850hPa-temp Europe +24 h (D1)
        850hPa-temp Europe +48 h (D2)
        850hPa-temp Europe +72 h (D3)
        850hPa-temp Europe +96 h (D4)
        850hPa-temp Europe +120 h (D5)

        850hPa-temp Europe +144 h (D6)
        850hPa-temp Europe +168 h (D7)
        850hPa-temp Europe +192 h (D8)
        850hPa-temp Europe +218 h (D9)
        850hPa-temp Europe +242 h (D10)    

        Precipitation Europe +24 h
        Precipitation Europe +48 h
        Precipitation Europe +72 h

Precipitation Europe +96 h
        Precipitation Europe +120 h

        Met Office

        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +00h
        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +24h
        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +48h
        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +72h
        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +96h
        Surface pressure and frontal analysis +120h

        Other forecasts

        Forecasts from SWC
        Travel Weather

        Ensemble Stockholm